CAS NO.: 12027-67-7 (Anhydrous); 12054-85-2 (Tetrahydrate)
Synonyms: Molybdic acid hexammonium salt tetrahydrate; Ammonium molybdate tetrahydrate; ammonium heptamolybdate, tetrahydrate.
Molecular Weight:1235.86

Appearance: Ammonium molybdate comes in the form of large monoclinic crystals, colourless or slightly greenish or as a white crystalline powder.
Solubility:Ammonium molybdate is soluble in cold water but insoluble in ethanol; ammonium molybdate decomposes in hot water
- As an additive in animal feed, fertilizer for foliar feeding of plants, fruit trees. Promotes the absorption of nitrogen, increases crop yields
- For the production of high purity molybdenum and high-hard alloys in metallurgy, the production of wire, metal strips, rods.
- As a catalyst for the purification of petroleum products
- As part of paints and varnishes, a dyeing agent for fabrics
- For studying experiments: contrast agent for studying samples under an electron microscope; reagent for detecting organic
- Phosphorus and arsenic acid ions; for determining the content of tetraethyl lead in gasoline.
- Manufacture of electric lamp devices in radio electronics
Hazards: It belongs to the 3rd hazard class. It does not burn or explode, does not form dangerous and toxic compounds with other substances.Inhalation of dust and ingestion of the substance or its solution is harmful to health, the compound can accumulate in the bones, liver and kidneys, causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory organs, skin.
Precautions:The working room must be equipped with a forced ventilation system. Workers should wear dust masks, as well as rubber gloves and goggles.If reagent dust or solution gets into eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water.
Storage precautions: Store in sealed packaging, preferably in tightly closed plastic bags. Keep in dry warehouses, at room temperature. The reagent must be protected from moisture. In laboratories, store in sealed glass vessels. Laboratory experiments should be carried out in a fume hood.